Topper: New House Rules Enhance Member Voices, Encourage Meaningful Discussion in Policy Debate

January 8, 2025

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Fulton) made the following statement about the adoption of new House rules for the 2025-26 legislative session:

“Facing unprecedented circumstances, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives came together yesterday to adopt operating rules governing the entire 2025-26 Legislative Session that reflect how the House should work in an environment of closely divided government. They are a fair and reasonable representation of the political realities facing our Commonwealth and give members a greater opportunity to be the voice of their constituents in Harrisburg,” Topper said.

Key among House rule changes that enhance member voices and reflect the close divide in the state House of Representatives are:

• Committee splits of 14-12 on all standing committees with 13 votes needed to report a bill out of committee. Last session, the splits were 14-11 with 12 votes needed to report a bill out of committee.
• The removal of the ability to table all amendments to legislation in one bundled group.
• Bringing back fairness to the process used to discharge bottled-up legislation out of a committee.
• Limiting the ability to cut off debate on matters before the House.

“The House Republican Caucus looks forward to continuing to share our ideas and having a fair hearing on issues of importance to our members and the districts they represent during the course of this session,” Topper added.

Republican Leader Jesse Topper
78th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jason Gottesman

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