Topper: Statewide Assessment Scores Show Need for Transformational Change in Education
November 27, 2024
HARRISBURG – Incoming Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Fulton) said Wednesday the recent statewide assessment results from the Pennsylvania Department of Education show transformational change is needed in Pennsylvania’s system of education to achieve meaningful improvement.
“While the statewide assessment scores released by the Pennsylvania Department of Education show some areas of improvement, it is clear we are still lagging behind our pre-COVID achievement scores and Pennsylvania students are continuing to learn at a deficit compared to their predecessors,” Topper said.
According to the just-released statewide assessment scores, Pennsylvania students incrementally improved in math and science proficiency, while continuing to fall behind in English language arts.
“If we are to expect tangible change in outcomes, we must have transformational change in our system of education. It is clear unfocused budgetary and legislative education priorities in state government are not benefitting Pennsylvania’s children in the classroom,” Topper continued. “I look forward to continuing to work across the aisle and with the Shapiro administration to find common ground on shared goals that can advance the kind of transformative change in our education system our students so desperately need.”
Representative Jesse Topper
78th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jason Gottesman
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