House Approves Topper Resolution Requiring Non-Partisan Election Audit

November 19, 2020

HARRISBURG – The House of Representatives today approved House Resolution 1100 to require the non-partisan Legislative Budget and Finance Committee (LBFC) to coordinate a risk-limiting audit of the election. Rep. Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Franklin/Fulton), the sponsor of the measure, issued the following statement:

“Elections are the bedrock of our form of government. I firmly believe that this risk-limiting audit by the LBFC, much like similar audits being conducted in other states, will provide a statistical level of confidence in not only the outcome of this past election, but ensure trust in all future elections here in the Commonwealth.

“I eagerly await the results of the audit from the LBFC. It is my sincere hope that if any changes to our election process are recommended through this audit, that we will be able to take swift action to avoid the questions and confusion that have been prevalent throughout this very challenging year.”

With House approval, the LBFC will begin the process of conducting the audit.

Representative Jesse Topper
78th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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