Topper Resolution Requiring Non-Partisan Election Audit Approved

November 18, 2020

HARRISBURG – In an effort to ensure the public’s trust in Pennsylvania’s election process, the House State Government Committee today approved House Resolution 1100 by Rep. Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Franklin/Fulton) to require the non-partisan Legislative Budget and Finance Committee (LBFC) to conduct a risk-limiting audit of the election.

“The 2020 general election was unlike any election in our Commonwealth’s history,” Topper said. “There was a record turnout of about 75% while in the midst of a pandemic as well as voters experiencing new methods to cast their votes, including new voting machines at the polls this year and the introduction of an expansion in absentee voting.”

The LBFC audit would examine the process of recording and counting the ballots to both confirm the accuracy of the results as well as providing suggestions on how the process might be improved.

The LBFC was selected in part because it is comprised of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats from the House and Senate. In addition, the committee will continue to operate while the General Assembly’s 2019-20 session ends at the end of the month. This ensures the audit would not be interrupted even as new members are sworn into office after the new year.

While the Department of State does conduct an audit of every election, which is based on samples, the LBFC risk-limiting audit would encompass much larger samples and require data sets, much like what was done for an audit report on the 2020 primary election.

“Though elections are political in nature, the process in which they are held should be anything but political,” Topper said. “When people start questioning the process, they question the results. As lawmakers, we must ensure the integrity of all elections so that our process withstands the test of time and continues long after we leave office.”

House Resolution 1100 now goes to the full House for consideration.

Representative Jesse Topper
78th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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